Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 8, 2009


小时候, 知足..不难.. 从不把它当成一回事.

直到长大, 有了工作, 有了自己的家庭,有了小孩..
知足, 很难, 也不知要怎么拿捏.. 也不知道要怎么样才知足..

容易知足的女孩, 给人的感觉, [可爱] [单纯]..
不容易知足的女孩, 就给人的感觉, [现实] [虚荣]..

容易知足的男孩, 给人的感觉, [不长进] [不是做大事的人]..
不容易知足的男孩, 给人的感觉, [长进] [积极] [有前途]..


我有间房子, 不大, 两个人刚刚好.... 但有了小孩后, 房间不够,空间不够, 得换间大点的房子, 足够的房间给我的小孩/小孩们...

人到了不同的阶段, 所要求的.., 所需要的会不同.., 一直在变..

不过, 我倒觉得我们人, 都是贱骨头, 不是没事找事, 只是如果坐惯了车子, 谁还想搭巴士出门...

知足, 我不会, 我不懂.. 但我觉得, 我放弃[坚持]的时候, 可能是我知足的借口. 我不想再继续 [工作] 的时候, 是我说我知足的时候... 哈哈!! 我是在逃避吗..

突然, 我想起了一件事, [感恩].. 管他是佛家, 还是基督教思想..
[感恩] 或许, 会容易办的多..

各位, 会有分别吗?


Yossi Candice Huth said...



Yossi Candice Huth said...


Sleepy Paris said... is complicated. it is always in contrast with the actual environment.

Is it so easy to balance your life, to balance your thought??

gabriel pui said...

hello.. i'm trying very hard to read your blog. last time didnt study hard enough.. hehe...

i think we will never be content! seems like there is this black hole in us that keep seeking for something more, better, bigger, nicer, faster... u name it la..

we can try to be content. but eventually we will fall into the same cycle again. I think that is because we only focus on ourself.

If we focus on something else.. like God, people less fortunate around us.. we will be able to break free from the cycle!

btw... say this just need less than 1 minute! doing it is another story la!